Scripture for the weekPsalm 75:6-7 (KJV) “For promotion cometh neither from the east, nor from the west, nor from the south. But God is the judge: he putteth down one, and setteth up another.”


Prayers For The Week: 

  1. Father, I thank you for divine promotion this year; even before I see it, I declare its manifestation, for you hold no good thing from those who walk uprightly before your sight.
  2. O Lord, give me the wisdom to seek your counsel in everything that I do this year.
  3. My Father, my Lord, anoint my eyes to see and my ears to hear divine opportunities that you have set before me for this year.
  4. Fire of God, consume every anti-progress plantation in my foundation and my body.
  5. I cancel by the blood of Jesus every backward progress programmed against me this year.
  6. I declare over my destiny, I shall not be missing where my helpers are looking for me.
  7. Blood of Jesus, remove every evil growth in my body assigned to challenge my health.
  8. Blood of Jesus, destroy everything that stands as a strongman in my life.
  9. O Lord, let your spirit of unity and excellency dwell in MFM Rockville, MD.

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