Prayers For The Week: 06-03-2024

Scripture for the week: John 16:13 (KJV) “Howbeit when he, the Spirit of truth, is come, he will guide you into all truth: for he shall not speak of himself; but whatsoever he shall hear, that shall he speak: and he will shew you things to come.”

Prayers For The Week:
  1. Father, thank you for a new month and for keeping me and my family in safety!
  2. Father, from this point forth, let the joy of my oppressors be turned to sorrow.
  3. O God of Elijah, let your fire and your power dismantle every spiritual gang up established to afflict my life and my destiny.
  4. Powers of darkness, operating in the educational institutions of this nation to derail our children from the ways of the Lord, be disgraced.
  5. O Lord, by your mercy, deliver me from spiritual stagnation and backwardness.
  6. My foundation, hear the word of the Lord, flourish and prosper.
  7. Blood of Jesus, Fire of God, Power of God, enter me and destroy all evil plantations in my body and my blood that have afflicted me from birth.
  8. I declare over my life and my family, we shall not die prematurely, we shall live to declare the works of God Almighty and His goodness, and we shall fulfill our divine destiny.
  9. O Lord, let your fire of revival fall upon MFM Rockville, MD.

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