Prayers For The Week: 08-26-2024

Scripture for the week: Romans 12:1 (KJV) “I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that ye present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto God, which is your reasonable service.”

Prayers For The Week:
  1. Lord, thank you for rescuing me from the dominion of darkness and for bringing me into the kingdom of the Son that you love!
  2. O Lord, I pray, may I and all that is in me become an acceptable sacrifice unto You!
  3. My life and my destiny, hear the word of the Lord, reject evil pollution, reject spiritual burial.
  4. I declare over my life: where others have failed to kill their Goliaths, I shall kill and announce the obituary of my Goliath!
  5. O Lord, reveal to me my spiritual identity, and if it has been corrupted by the enemy, repair it.
  6. O Lord, let me become like hot coals of divine fire and let any power, personality that want to tamper with me be burned.
  7. Rods of the enemy resting in my life and my foundation, catch fire and burn to ashes.
  8. Altars of evil patterns of my father’s house, of my mother’s house, catch fire.
  9. O Lord, destroy every altar erected against the promotion of MFM Rockville, MD.

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