Prayers For The Week: 09-16-2024

Scripture for the week: Isaiah 61:3 (KJV) “To appoint unto them that mourn in Zion, to give unto them beauty for ashes, the oil of joy for mourning, the garment of praise for the spirit of heaviness; that they might be called trees of righteousness, the planting of the Lord, that he might be glorified.”

Prayers For The Week:
  1. O Lord, have mercy on me and blow out my iniquities and transgressions.
  2. O Lord, make me and my household candidates for a revival that will announce your Name.
  3. My Father, help me to overcome the enemy within, that is weakening my fellowship with You.
  4. O Lord, remove the heavy garment upon my spirit man that is holding me down in stagnancy, failure, and misfortune.
  5. Holy Spirit, reveal to me the blueprint of my destiny and how to fulfill the purpose for which You have created me.
  6. Consuming fire, come upon all the evil altars erected against me and my family, destroy them and destroy their evils priests.
  7. O God, as long as I live in this land of the living, I shall praise You and declare your love, your  mercies and goodness in my life and my family!
  8. O Lord, wash me with the water that flows from your sanctuary and let its healing power remove every plantation of sickness from my body and my life.
  9. O God, let your unquenchable fire consume the strongholds of darkness working against the greatness of MFM Rockville, MD.

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